International Conference Proceedings


01. "Kinetics of a-Si:H deposition"

D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias, S. Cavadias

In proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Tokyo 1987

Edited by K. Akashi and A. Kinbara (IUPAC 1987), p. 1484 (Oral Presentation) ©



02. "Spatially resolved diagnostics for the glow discharge deposition of a-Si:H"

D. Mataras, S. Cavadias, D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the Euroforum-New Energies Congress, Saarbrucken 1988

H. S. Stephens & Associates vol 3, p. 170 (Oralpresentation) ©



03. "Spatially resolved LIF and OES in silane discharges"

D. Mataras, S. Cavadias, D.E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Pugnochiuso-Italy 1989

Edited by R. D' Agostino (IUPAC 1989), p. 423 (Oralpresentation) ©



04. "Dilution effects in the plasma-assisted CVD of a-Si:H"

D. Mataras, S. Cavadias, D. E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Pugnochiuso-Italy 1989

Edited by R. D' Agostino (IUPAC 1989), p. 1293 (PosterPresentation) ©



05. "Plasma assisted-CVD of a-Si:H investigated by spatially resolved optical diagnostics"

D. Mataras, S. Cavadias, D. E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 9th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Freiburg 1989

Edited by W. Palz, G.T. Wrixon and P. Helm

Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.87 (Posterpresentation) ©



06. "Correlation of deposition parameters and transport properties of a-Si:H films"

P. Kounavis , E. Mytilineou , D. Mataras , S. Cavadias , D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 20th Int. Conf. Phys. Semiconductors,  p. 2115 (1990)

(Posterpresentation) ©


07. "Correlation between discharge geometry and film properties in PE-CVD of a-Si:H"

D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias

In Proceedings of the 10th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC),  p.165 (1991)

(Posterpresentation) ©



08. "Influence of the deposition parameters to the gap state distribution and to the quality of PE-CVD of a-Si:H"

P. Kounavis, N. Spiliopoulos, D. Mataras, E. Mytilineou, D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 11th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), 1993

Harwood Academic Publishers p. 726 (Posterpresentation) ©


09. "Plasma-Surface interactions during PECVD of hydrogenated amorphous silicon"

D. Mataras , F. Coutelieris, D. Rapakoulias

In Proc. 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Loughborough 1993

J. Hary editor p. 1113 (IUPAC 1993) (Oralpresentation) ©



10. "A Study of the surface states and the defect formation mechanism in a-Si:H using CPM spectra"

P. Kounavis, D. Mataras, N. Spiliopoulos, D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 12th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Amsterdam 1994

p. 144 (1994)  (Posterpresentation)  ©



11. "Correlation between Rotational, Gas and Surface Temperature in N2 plasmas"

D. E. Rapakoulias, D. Gerassimou, D. Mataras, S. Cavvadias

In VDI Berichte 11166, 65-71 (1995) (Posterpresentation) ©



12. "Mass Spectroscopy and power measurements for kinetics and mechanism investigation in Silane Glow Discharges"

N. Spiliopoulos, S. Stamou, D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Minneapolis 1995

Edited by J.V. Heberlein, D. W. Ernie, J. T. Roberts, p. 1927-1932 (Posterpresentation) ©



13. "Improved method for the measurement and control of the actual power dissipated in RF discharges"

N. Spiliopoulos, D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Minneapolis 1995

Edited by J.V. Heberlein, D. W. Ernie, J. T. Roberts, p. 2143-2148 (OralPresentation) ©



14. "The charge state of the dangling bonds dominating electron trapping and the kinetics of the defect relaxation in a-Si:H"

P. Kounavis, N. Spiliopoulos, D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias

In proc. 13th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Nice-France, 1996

Edited by W. Freiesleben, W. Palz, H. A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, Vol. I, p. 288-292 (Posterpresentation) ©



15. "Accurate determination of the a-Si:H deposition process parameters"

N. Spiliopoulos, S. Stamou, D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias

In proc. 13th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Nice-France 1996

Edited by W. Freiesleben,W. Palz, H. A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, Vol. I, p. 292-295 (Posterpresentation) ©



16. "Influence of discharge geometry on power dissipation in silane discharges"

N. Spiliopoulos, D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Reactive Plasmas, Nara-Japan 1997

Edited by K. Tachibana, Y. Watanabe, p. 93 (Posterpresentation) ©



17. "Plasma parameters derived from electrical measurements in rf parallel plate argon glow discharges"

N. Spiliopoulos, D. Mataras, D. E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of TPP-4, "Progress in Plasma Processing of Materials", p.183

Edited by Pierre Fauchais, Begell House Inc. (1997) ©



18. "Specific problems of rotational temperature determination in plasmas of large molecules"

S. Stamou, N. Spiliopoulos, D. Mataras, D.E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of TPP-4, "Progress in Plasma Processing of Materials", p. 263

Edited by Pierre Fauchais, Begell House Inc. (1997) ©



19. "Argon metastable profiles using laser induced fluorescence in a controlled power RF discharge"

D. Mataras, N. Spiliopoulos, S. Stamou and D. E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Beijing, China 1997

Edited by C. K. Wu, Vol II p. 576-581  (Oralpresentation) ©



20. "Power dissipation in hydrogen diluted silane glow discharges"

S. Stamou, N. Spiliopoulos, D. Mataras and D. E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Beijing, China 1997

Edited by C. K. Wu, Vol II p. 612-617 (Posterpresentation) ©



21. "Space Energy sensitive in situ diagnostics for thin film depositing silane discharges"

S. Stamou, D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 14th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Barcelona, Spain 1997

p. 644(Posterpresentation) ©



22. "Microcrystalline and amorphous silicon deposition investigation using optical and electrical diagnostics"

S. Stamou, D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 15th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Vienna, Austria 1998

(Posterpresentation) ©



23. "Simulation of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of microcrystalline silicon based on optical diagnostics"

E. Amanatides, S. Stamou, D. Mataras and D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 16th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Glasgow, UK 2000

p. 357(Oralpresentation) ©



24. "Power dissipation and radical flux in the transition from highly crystalline to amorphous silicon growth by PECVD"

E. Amanatides, S. Stamou, S. Boghosian and D. Mataras

In proceedings of the 16th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), , Glasgow, UK 2000

p. 581(Posterpresentation) ©



25. "Influence of the variation of interelectrode space on the deposition of microcrystalline silicon films in an asymmetric cell"

E. Amanatides, D. Mataras and D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Prague, Czech Republic 1999

Vol. III, p. 1345-1350 (Posterpresentation) ©



26. "Total pressure effect on hydrogen-diluted silane discharges, at high excitation frequency"

E. Amanatides, D. Mataras and D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Prague, Czech Republic 1999

Vol. III, p. 1351-1356 (Posterpresentation) ©



27. "Application of Optical and Electrical Diagnostics during the treatment of PET films in a Helium glow discharge"

D. Papakonstantinou, F. Arefi-Khonsari, D. Mataras and D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Prague, Czech Republic 1999

Vol. IV, p. 1865-1869  (Posterpresentation) ©



28. "Study of hydrogen radio frequency glow discharges under double layer conditions"

A. Hammad, D. Mataras and D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Orleans, France 2001 

Vol. I, p. 53 (Oralpresentation) ©



29. "Surface simulation of Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Microcrystalline Silicon Thin Films"

E. Amanatides, D. Mataras and D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Orleans, France 2001

Vol. III, p. 873-878 (Poster presentation) ©



30. "Ion etching of Polyethylene Terephthalate films in helium glow discharges"

D. Papakonstantinou and D. Mataras

In proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Orleans, France 2001

Vol. VI p. 2421-2426 (Poster presentation) ©


31. "Limiting factors of microcrystalline deposition rate"

E. Amanatides, A. Hammad, D. Mataras and D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 17th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Munchen, Germany 2001

(Oral presentation)



32. "Combination of Plasma Diagnostics and Modeling for the investigation of microcrystalline silicon deposition process"

D. Mataras, E. Amanatides, D. E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 29th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans 2002

(Oral presentation) ©



33. "a-SiNet: the European Network on amorphous silicon device technology"

J. Carabe, M. Schubert, D. Mataras, J. Andreu, F. Roca, D. Pribat

In proceedings of the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Osaka 2003, p. 1808

(Poster presentation)



34. "Net total pressure effect on the growth rate of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon thin films"

A. Hammad, E. Amanatides, D. Mataras and D. E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Taormina, Italy 2003

(Poster presentation)©



35. "Electrical and Optical Characterization of Highly Diluted Silane and Disilane in Hydrogen RF discharges"

A. Hammad, E. Amanatides, D. Mataras and D. E. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Taormina, Italy 2003

(Poster presentation)©



36. "Etch rate measurement of Polyethylene Terephthalate films treated in Helium and Helium-Oxygen RF discharges"

D.D. Papakonstantinou, E. Amanatides and D. Mataras

In proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC), Taormina, Italy 2003

(Oral presentation)©



37. "2D self – consistent modeling of microcrystalline silicon deposition process"

B. Lykas, E. Amanatides, D. Mataras

In proceedings of the 19th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Paris 2004, p. 1395

(Oral presentation)©



38. "High Pressure Silane Depletion Technique as μc-Si:H Deposition Rate Promoter-Advantages and Limitations"

E. Katsia, E. Amanatides, D. Mataras, D. Rapakoulias

In proceedings of the 19th European PV Solar Energy Conference (EPVSEC), Paris 2004, p. 1601

(Poster presentation)©



39. "Power consumption effect on the microcrystalline silicon deposition process: a comparison between model and experimental results"

B. Lykas, E. Amanatides, D. Mataras, D. E. Rapakoulias

J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 10 (2005) 198-201©



40. "Interelectrode space effect on power dissipation and silicon oxide thin film growth from TEOS/O2 discharges"

A. Panou, E. Amanatides, D. Mataras, D. E. Rapakoulias

J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 10 (2005) 202-205©



41. "On the effect of the substrate pretreatment parameters on the composition and structure of plasma deposited SiO2 thin films"

Ch. Voulgaris, E. Amanatides, D. Mataras, D. E. Rapakoulias

J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 10 (2005) 206-209©



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